Still Me - Accepting Alzheimer's Without Losing Yourself

Alzheimer’s is scary. But you can still find ways to be you after the diagnosis.
Rebecca Chopp never expected a routine annual checkup to uncover symptoms that ultimately revealed she has early-stage Alzheimer’s disease. The news was devastating.
After recovering from the shock and grappling with the changes Alzheimer’s meant for her life plans, Rebecca knew the next steps: retire from her stressful job leading the University of Denver, hold on to the core of herself for as long as possible, and find ways each day to live well so that her remaining time with her family and friends can be as rich and meaningful as possible.
This honest and hope-filled book—Still Me—chronicles Rebecca’s efforts, with the help of her family, friends, and medical team, to reshape her life for a healthy and vibrant approach to living with Alzheimer’s, showing that an illness does not define us. Rebecca also provides thoughtful questions, encouragement, and suggestions for those living with Alzheimer’s, their caregivers, and those who fear the diagnosis.